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Sleep Rules: Rule Number 1: Align Your Spine with a Perfect Pillow.

So, the quest for a perfect pillow is as daunting as The Holy Grail or the Davinci code. Or is it? I mean it’s just a pillow, right? Well, that overlooked article of bedding consists of 30% of your spine, BRO! I didn’t believe it at first, but it’s the truth. Then I remembered my old wrestling friends telling me that “if you control the head, you control the body.” I use to pass that on by because I couldn’t relate it to anything in my life at the time. I mean, I wasn’t shooting any double leg take downs or suplexing anybody at the time. But now it makes sense. If my head is not in proper alignment, NEITHER is my body! So that explained my years of neck, shoulder, and hip aches. IT WASN’T JUST THE MATTRESS!!!!

So how does one find an ever elusive “Perfect Pillow”? Well, go get fitted. Mattress Direct does this. They actual do this before you even lay down on your potential mattress. First, they take into accounts your sleeping position (side, back, stomach, any which way but loose) and choose the appropriate pillow for such position. Then have you lay down on a bed that is suitable for your request of comfort. No longer do you have to wander a store holding a pillow like an old boom box. That may bring you back to your break dancing days, but it will not bring you to Comfort Town. Comfort Town is when you have that one pillow, one pillow that rules them all. Lord of The Pillows style.

Come on by one of your friendly, neighborhood Mattress Directs and get fitted for that pillow Today. I mean, why wait till tomorrow when you aren’t sleeping any better and are in a foul mood. You don’t like that you, and the world will be better once you start following the Sleep Rules.

Exercise and Sleep

New Year’s Resolution time is in full swing and everyone is trying to get their routine down. You have to make a schedule that works best for you. Some people think that morning workouts are the only way to go and that working out at night actually hurts your sleep, but that is just not true. Working out is best whenever you can do it. If you are a morning person and find it easiest to wake up and go---then do it. If you have to work out after work that’s fine too whatever is best for your schedule that you can make a part of your weekly routine.

There’s always been this myth that you cannot work out four hours before you want to go to sleep, but that isn’t true for all. Very few people are affected by this. Most people can even find it easier to fall asleep after working out. Exercise overall improves sleep and allows people to rest more efficiently.

Typically, if you have trouble falling asleep after exercising it is because of temperature. Your core body temperature tends to rise after a vigorous workout and it also rises due to our natural circadian rhythm around the time you are trying to go to sleep. Lowering the temperature to 68 degrees and making sure you have the proper sleep environment is the key to success.

The proper sleep environment includes a dark quiet room, a mattress that is breathable (preferably in this case with cooling features such as cooling gel and/or breeze technology), cooling pillows, breathable sheets and a breathable mattress protector. Keeping you cool will allow you to fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer. When you are cool it also allows you to reach deeper stages of sleep faster as well.

So don’t worry if the only time in your schedule to work out is late at night. You can still get the proper sleep you need for your rest and recovery. Just make sure to stay cool.

The New Relax-O-Pedic X Series
The New Relax-O-Pedic X Series
The New Relax-O-Pedic X Series is available now.
Washington's Sleep Specialists

Conveniently located in Washington Crossing next to Super Market of Shoes and adjacent to the Schnucks Super Center at the corner of 100 and 47. Mattress Direct Washington showroom displays the entire Simmons Beautyrest and Serta iComfort catalog, as well as Campbell Mattresses which are proudly made in Missouri. Mattress Direct always guarantees the lowest price on every mattress on display. Don't pay retail. You save money when you order your Mattress Direct.Come in and let one of our dedicated Sleep Specialists help you find the mattress that best for the way you sleep.

Keeping your business local is more important than ever now. It's something I think about with all my daily purchases nowadays. Helping build your community & reinvesting in the my community has always clicked with me. But a lot of times only helps solve part of the equation. Having industry trained specialist that are here to help fit you & your specific needs is how you can focus on whats important while , saving the most on quality products & keeping your money local.

Marshall Home Living Room Furniture

Storeroom Manager : Ray -  [email protected]

Ray has been around the mattress industry for 20 years helping people find the perfect mattress for themselves. When not helping people get a great night's sleep Ray loves spending time with his wife especially listening to music and dancing with his two young girls.

With Mattress Direct Since : 2014

Personal Pillow : Bedgear Level 1

Favorite Mattress Beautyrest Black K Class Plush Pillow Top

Favorite Movie: True Romance

Mattress Direct

2064 Washington Crossing
Washington MO 63090
636-432-1920 click to call

Showroom Hours

Monday – Friday 10AM – 8PM
Saturday 10AM – 6PM
Sunday 11AM – 5PM

Marshal Homer Gray
Marshal Homer Gray

Marshal Homer Gray

When Homer was just a little boy growing up on the farm in Missouri, he learned early to value the little things.

I still remember, one Christmas on the farm, as he sat comfortably in his recliner in the corner of the living room, enjoying watching his grandchildren unwrapping holiday gifts. A sweat shirt, a toy, a book, a collectible horse figure. Something for each of us, and even then I knew that he was very proud of his family and that each of us had a gift beneath the tree. I've always been one for nostalgia, and so it was natural to me to ask him then, "Grandpa, when you were little, what would you ask for for Christmas?" He thought for a moment, and you could see the cherished memories reflecting in the corner of his eye, and he told us all. "One year, my dad carved me a wooden car with wheels that rolled...but most years, we were so excited to get new socks, and an orange." The holidays mean a lot of things to a lot of people, but since that Christmas on the farm, every Christmas, I buy a bag of oranges, and make sure to tell anyone who will listen, how excited Homer was to get an orange for Christmas when he was just a boy.

Marshal Homer Gray

Common Disruptors of Sleep
Common Disruptors of Sleep

Sleeping In A Hole

Ever wonder why your back is sore when you wake up from sleeping?
Feel like you got an eight hour back work out while you were sleeping? Can’t
relax in bed in the morning because the back pain makes you
uncomfortable? It is probably because you are sleeping in a trench! "If you
can fit three fingers between your lower back and the mattress, then it's not
giving enough support," says Karin Mahoney, director of the
Better Sleep Council. When your body doesn’t receive the proper support it needs while
you sleep, your back ends up doing all the work, hence the back pain when
you wake up. Mahoney recommends rotating the mattress by 180 degrees
every six months or so to keep the pressure even as the mattress is being
used. Sleep experts are always hesitant to recommend the perfect model,
material or brand of mattress, due to the fact that comfort is subjective and
therefore different per individual, but medium-firm has been shown in studies
and through patient reports to be comfortable for most people. Your body will
let you know when it is time for an upgrade when you regularly wake up with
stiffness, numbness and back pain! It is common practice to test-drive
mattresses at hotel chains before committing to a purchase, or working with
a distributor that has a comfort guarantee to truly test out the mattress. For
the shopper that shops on averages, according the industry data, queen-
sized innersprings are the most popular in the U.S. but the new gel
mattresses are said to be a comfortable and low stress alternative.

Pillow Height

A pillow is essential to a good night’s sleep and waking up feeling
energetic! This is when it really matters if you are a back, side, or stomach
sleeper. The purpose of a pillow is to properly align the spine but if you don’t
get the right fit for the pillow you could be doing more harm than good. For
the stomach sleepers, you have to make sure your pillow isn’t too thick. If
you get a pillow that is too thick it will push your head back! Not only will this
be extremely uncomfortable but it could also cause some knots in your neck.
For the back sleepers, a medium sized pillow seems to be best. If you go too
thin you won’t have the proper support for your head and neck but if you go
too thick your chin will be touching your chest. You will know when you found
the right level when your head isn’t being forced into an awkward angle.
Last but not least, the side sleepers. The typical side sleeper seems to have a
fairly large profile and space to fill when they are on their side. This is when a
thick pillow comes into play. Thick pillows can typically fill the big gap
efficiently, providing the amount of support side sleepers crave. A well sized
pillow can save you from weeks of unwarranted neck and shoulder pain.

Breathe Easy

The optimal way to breathe in general is through the nose, says Nancy
Collop, MD, president of the
American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Our noses
warm the air and filter out dirt and other particles. When sleeping, especially
when on the back, breathing passageways can start to be partially
obstructed either by your tongue or objects around you. When an air
passage is blocked, the typical response is to open the mouth creating
another air passage. Breathing through the mouth, especially while sleeping,
can lead to snoring, throat irritation, intense dry mouth and even abnormal
respiration and sleep apnea. This is when adjustable bases become
medically advantageous. That’s right; they aren’t just for sitting up in bed to
see the TV better! With a slight lift of the head, typically referred to as a
pillow tilt, you can help open up the breathing pathways which allow you to
use your nose, stop the snoring, and most importantly, sleep throughout the

Too Hot In Here?

The body actually uses temperature to help us get tired and prepare us
for sleep. Cold temperatures make us drowsy, and a falling core body
temperature helps us get to sleep faster. If you want to fall asleep faster and
more efficient, try and help this process along. You can do this by turning
down the heat and keeping your bedroom cool (ideally, around 60 to 68
degrees). Opening the windows also helps bring in fresh, oxygen-rich air
(unless you live near a freeway), which can contribute to a healthy sleep
cycle. Most importantly, it is good to know that there is a certain period of
REM sleep during which your internal heating and cooling systems change
and you become more sensitive to the temperature of the air around you. If
you wake up at this point it may interrupt the point in your sleep cycle where
you are actually gaining energy.
Luckily, technology has advanced in the mattress industry and most mattresses have some sort of way to orientate
your temperature. These gel foams or phase change materials won’t make
you cold but they do keep you at one sleeping temperature so that you don’t
awake to any temperature changes and can sleep fully throughout the night.
A Cool Bed Just Isn’t Cool Enough!
Even if you sleep on a cooler mattress, in a cold room, you may still
wake up soaked in sweat. This is commonly due to your sheets or even your
pajamas underperforming. Luckily, the mattress industry has advanced in
stride when it comes to heat. Several new technologies and products address
the problem of night sweats and overheating, such as: cooling mattress
protectors, performance protectors and sheets that are made from wicking
fabrics, and even pillows with cooling technology.

Tossing And Turning?

If you get mad at your significant other every time they get in and out
of bed for waking you up, stop getting mad at them and get mad at your
mattress. The mattress jiggles are a problem of the past nowadays with most
decent mattresses being made with independently pocketed coils. With the
coils no longer being connected through a steal rod, they act independently
of one another, minimizing the movement between you and your partner.
Memory foam is also known to help with this type of dynamic response! If
you really need to tackle that mattress movement, your best bet is a little of
both worlds; a hybrid!
For more Sleep Solutions visit the Showroom nearest you, or start at solutions.
The Science Behind Cold Feet
The Science Behind Cold Feet

So you climb into bed late at night, snuggle up next to your already-sleeping partner, and he immediately yelps. Cold feet strike again. An age-old nemesis to cuddling. Especially now that winter is upon us. Cold feet are common and often accompanied by cold hands. Which begs the question: what’s putting the chill into so many of us?  As with much of life, the answer is, “it depends.”

Reynaud’s Syndrome

Reynaud’s is a common condition which causes cold feet and hands. The human body naturally reacts to colder temperatures by going into heat conservation mode. Your body’s priority is to protect your organs, which are essential for life and kept functioning by the larger blood vessels. In extreme cold, the body is designed to sacrifice the outer extremities first in order to keep the organs functioning. Obviously, that means the feet and hands. With their smaller blood vessels, they are more susceptible to cold. In people with Reynaud’s Syndrome, that reaction gets amped up. Their small blood vessels are more sensitive than normal to fluctuations in temperature, overcompensating in cooler temperatures and sometimes also in warmer temperatures. Women are five times more likely than men to have Reynaud’s Syndrome, but thankfully, it is not usually serious.

Why women are more likely to have cold feet

In women, all aspects of the body, including the blood vessels, are influenced by estrogen. Fluctuations in estrogen can affect the blood supply to the hands and feet. In addition, there’s body composition as a factor. For better or for worse, women have 10% more body fat than men. This keeps our organs protected, and also helps to protect babies in the womb, but it also means that it’s slightly harder for the body to push blood to the outer surface of the skin.

More serious causes

Other more serious underlying conditions can cause cold feet and hands. Among them is atherosclerosis, i.e., a symptom commonly related to heart disease. With atherosclerosis, plaque builds up in the arteries, causing decreased circulation to the feet. Another potential cause is hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid). Hypothyroidism mainly affects women, causing cold feet and a myriad of other related symptoms. If you are over 50 and your cold feet are a relatively recent development, it may be worth a trip to the doctor to see if atherosclerosis is the cause. In the case of hypothyroidism, this can come on at any age. Other symptoms include difficulty losing weight, thinning hair, bloating, muscle pain, constipation and sluggishness in the morning. Again, it’s worth a trip to the doctor if you’re experiencing any of these.


Assuming you don’t have a more serious underlying condition, the remedies are simple and few. Light exercise can help temporarily increase blood flow to extremities. But the most practical advice is to rethink socks. Decide socks are the new sexy and embrace them. Think of them with the love many of us feel for shoes. With that in mind, we took to Etsy to find some beautiful handmade socks, and also to support individual artisans. Here are our five favorite pairs. We wish you a cozy winter, from head to toe.

Common Disruptors of Sleep

Sleeping In A Hole

Ever wonder why your back is sore when you wake up from sleeping? Feel like you got an eight hour back work out while you were sleeping? Can’t relax in bed in the morning because the back pain makes you uncomfortable? It is probably because you are sleeping in a trench! "If you can fit three fingers between your lower back and the mattress, then it's not giving enough support," says Karin Mahoney, director of the Better Sleep Council. When your body doesn’t receive the proper support it needs while you sleep, your back ends up doing all the work, hence the back pain when you wake up. Mahoney recommends rotating the mattress by 180 degrees every six months or so to keep the pressure even as the mattress is being used. Sleep experts are always hesitant to recommend the perfect model, material or brand of mattress, due to the fact that comfort is subjective and therefore different per individual, but medium-firm has been shown in studies and through patient reports to be comfortable for most people. Your body will let you know when it is time for an upgrade when you regularly wake up with stiffness, numbness and back pain! It is common practice to test-drive mattresses at hotel chains before committing to a purchase, or working with a distributor that has a comfort guarantee to truly test out the mattress. For the shopper that shops on averages, according the industry data, queen-sized innersprings are the most popular in the U.S. but the new gel mattresses are said to be a comfortable and low stress alternative.


Pillow Height

A pillow is essential to a good night’s sleep and waking up feeling energetic! This is when it really matters if you are a back, side, or stomach sleeper. The purpose of a pillow is to properly align the spine but if you don’t get the right fit for the pillow you could be doing more harm than good. For the stomach sleepers, you have to make sure your pillow isn’t too thick. If you get a pillow that is too thick it will push your head back! Not only will this be extremely uncomfortable but it could also cause some knots in your neck. For the back sleepers, a medium sized pillow seems to be best. If you go too thin you won’t have the proper support for your head and neck but if you go too thick your chin will be touching your chest. You will know when you found the right level when your head isn’t being forced into an awkward angle. Last but not least, the side sleepers. The typical side sleeper seems to have a fairly large profile and space to fill when they are on their side. This is when a thick pillow comes into play. Thick pillows can typically fill the big gap efficiently, providing the amount of support side sleepers crave. A well sized pillow can save you from weeks of unwarranted neck and shoulder pain.

Breathe Easy

            The optimal way to breathe in general is through the nose, says Nancy Collop, MD, president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Our noses warm the air and filter out dirt and other particles. When sleeping, especially when on the back, breathing passageways can start to be partially obstructed either by your tongue or objects around you. When an air passage is blocked, the typical response is to open the mouth creating another air passage. Breathing through the mouth, especially while sleeping, can lead to snoring, throat irritation, intense dry mouth and even abnormal respiration and sleep apnea. This is when adjustable bases become medically advantageous. That’s right; they aren’t just for sitting up in bed to see the TV better! With a slight lift of the head, typically referred to as a pillow tilt, you can help open up the breathing pathways which allow you to use your nose, stop the snoring, and most importantly, sleep throughout the night.


Too Hot In Here?

            The body actually uses temperature to help us get tired and prepare us for sleep. Cold temperatures make us drowsy, and a falling core body temperature helps us get to sleep faster. If you want to fall asleep faster and more efficient, try and help this process along. You can do this by turning down the heat and keeping your bedroom cool (ideally, around 60 to 68 degrees). Opening the windows also helps bring in fresh, oxygen-rich air (unless you live near a freeway), which can contribute to a healthy sleep cycle. Most importantly, it is good to know that there is a certain period of REM sleep during which your internal heating and cooling systems change and you become more sensitive to the temperature of the air around you. If you wake up at this point it may interrupt the point in your sleep cycle where you are actually gaining energy. Luckily, technology has advanced in the mattress industry and most mattresses have some sort of way to orientate your temperature. These gel foams or phase change materials won’t make you cold but they do keep you at one sleeping temperature so that you don’t awake to any temperature changes and can sleep fully throughout the night.



A Cool Bed Just Isn’t Cool Enough!

            Even if you sleep on a cooler mattress, in a cold room, you may still wake up soaked in sweat. This is commonly due to your sheets or even your pajamas underperforming. Luckily, the mattress industry has advanced in stride when it comes to heat. Several new technologies and products address the problem of night sweats and overheating, such as: cooling mattress protectors, performance protectors and sheets that are made from wicking fabrics, and even pillows with cooling technology.

Tossing And Turning?

If you get mad at your significant other every time they get in and out of bed for waking you up, stop getting mad at them and get mad at your mattress. The mattress jiggles are a problem of the past nowadays with most decent mattresses being made with independently pocketed coils. With the coils no longer being connected through a steal rod, they act independently of one another, minimizing the movement between you and your partner. Memory foam is also known to help with this type of dynamic response! If you really need to tackle that mattress movement, your best bet is a little of both worlds; a hybrid!

The Floor is LAVA

Five Reasons to Choose Mattress Direct

The Lowest Price

When you shop Mattress Direct you’re assured the lowest price on whichever product fits you best. We’ve connected directly with the biggest and best mattress manufacturers to offer factory direct savings from Serta, Beautyrest, Campbell, Nectar, ReST,  Relax-O-Pedic, and M.H.Gray. Whether you’re looking for the best sleep of your life, or a mattress for the guest room, Mattress Direct has the best value on what you’re looking for. Find a price you like elsewhere? We’ll beat it, guaranteed.

Expert fitting

When you shop for a new mattress it helps to know where to start. With more brands and styles than ever, give the Sleep Specialists at Mattress Direct five minutes, and they’ll put you on the path to finding your best fitting mattress. Six hours a night is quarter of your life. Let the Sleep Specialists show you how to find your best fit.

Comfort Assurance

We’re so confident in our Sleep Specialists ability to fit you for the perfect mattress, that we offer a full year of Comfort Assurance on every new mattress. Especially in St. Louis where the summers get hot and the winters get cold, we like for your body to experience a full year of comfort on your new sleep system. The manufacturers appreciate having our Sleep Specialists on the front end, because fitting St. Louis to their perfect night’s sleep leads to outstanding reviews and customer satisfaction.

Local Company

Mattress Direct was founded in St. Louis by sleep specialists who were born in St. Louis to help the people of St. Louis feel their best and save money at the same time. We cheer for the Cardinals, we custom fit the Blues for their pillows and mattresses, all because we love this town.  We believe that Sleep Specialists from St. Louis are the best equipped to help the people of St. Louis. Those shared experiences from Grant’s Farm to the Stanley Cup make us part of the community and every dollar you spend at Mattress Direct goes back into the local economy.

Best Selection

We have shopped and shopped and shopped and shopped so you don’t have to. We’ve been across the country and around the world looking for the very best sleep technologies and the highest quality manufacturing. When you’re looking for the best mattress for the best price, you can rest assured you’ll find it at Mattress Direct. We’ve seen it all, and even build beds specifically for the St. Louis market at the Campbell Mattress factory.