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A Stanley Cup Champion Talks About His New Bed

The NHL started its season. If you follow hockey, you know that it’s one of the most challenging and grueling sports to play. Night after night, it’s lots of checking, slamming into the boards, falling onto hard ice and a gonzo pace that never lets up for the entire game. To paraphrase the old Ginger Rogers line, hockey players do everything baseball players do, but with full contact and on skates.

One can only imagine the effect on the body, even for young healthy guys. Combine it with a vigorous road schedule, and that kind of pounding would create a strong need for sleep. Over the summer, Reverie gave Steven Oleksy, a defenseman for the Pittsburgh Penguins, one of our Dream Supreme Sleep Systems. Oleksy, who runs a competitive hockey league over the summer, has been sleeping on it ever since.

How has his journey to great sleep been going?

Frankly, Oleksy’s journey has been short. Upon trying our bed in at our showroom outside of Detroit, he was impressed. “I’d never been on a sleep system before. I could feel immediately that it was a custom bed,” says Oleksy. And then, when his bed was delivered at home? “The very first night, I noticed a huge change in my sleeping patterns. I didn’t set an alarm clock and hopped right out of bed at 7:30am, ready to go. My legs felt great!” (Oleksy says it so enthusiastically, the exclamation point had to be added for honesty.)

The very next day, he told a friend the bed “was life changing.” Within the first few days, he noticed other things, too. He began falling asleep fast and sleeping soundly instead of restlessly. “I didn’t even dream,” he says. He also doesn’t wake up groggy any more, rendering his snooze button irrelevant. Oleksy used to suffer from sore throats in the morning. He thought the elevation of the Zero Gravity position, which he sleeps in and loves, helped with better drainage. (Another possibility might be our all-natural latex hypoallergenic mattress; it repels dust mites and bacteria, which thrive in other kinds of mattresses.)

A job where sleep is crucial

Great sleep is important to any athlete, but especially to a hockey player. On game days, their schedule involves a busy morning with breakfast at the rink, reviewing video, a short skate and stretching. All this happens before noon. Then most players head back home or to the hotel to nap for 2-3 hours in preparation for the evening’s game. Then it’s back to the rink in the late afternoon to work out, stretch some more and talk strategy. The game follows, with dinner afterward along with a debrief. And then it’s back to the hotel, usually around midnight. A long day, with sleep sandwiched in the middle and also capping off the day. It’s that important to performance.

One of the biggest sleep challenges a hockey player faces is after the game. “It’s a super physical and intense game,” Oleksy says. “It’s hard to wind down. And often, it’s even harder at home, when I have other people and responsibilities to take care of.”  He finds the massage feature and the soft light of the under-bed nightlight are little luxuries that help him fall asleep.

Oleksy says “what sets you apart at every level of the game is how quickly you can recover.” And he thinks his Reverie bed really does help. “Those little aches and pains? They don’t bother me much or at all anymore.” Sleeping better maximizes his workouts, improves his mindset and minimizes the effects of constant travel.

A measurable difference

Every year, hockey players take assessment tests for power, endurance, etc. This year, Oleksy had his highest scores ever across the board, which he attributes in part to sleeping better. He is also very fastidious about taking care of himself. He eats healthfully and never drinks alcohol, with one exception … if it’s from the Stanley Cup. “It’s my job to stay in shape,” he says seriously. “I’ve noticed that when I don’t sleep properly or am up late, I tend to make bad decisions, especially eating worse.”

Lately Oleksy has been loving our new Nightstand app. “It’s great,” he says. “It has so many capabilities.” He’s now programming his own sleep routines, with various massage settings and positions of the bed set to run automatically.

He thinks anyone could benefit from the bed, primarily because everybody needs great sleep. “They’ll wake up, ready to go.” And he thinks it would be great for anybody who suffers from back or shoulder pain. Of course, we love that he’s also been talking up the bed to his teammates, telling them, “If there’s one investment to make, this bed is worth every penny.”

About life as a Stanley Cup champion

A genuine and humble guy, Oleksy says his philosophy of the game is that he wants “to be the hardest working guy out there.” He is grateful to have achieved every hockey player’s dream by having been on a team that won the Stanley Cup. And he’s trying hard to cherish every moment of being a champion. “Nobody can take that away from me.” Rather than be annoyed, he’s grateful to the fans who say “hi” and ask for autographs.

Asked about the Penguins’ chances of repeating as Stanley Cup champions this year, he shows he’s learned a bit about the media and interviews, however. He modestly declines to make any prediction. “It’s always hard to tell,” he says, nonchalantly. “We should be competitive.”

Got it. Continue to sleep well, Steven, and good luck. Your friends at Reverie will be rooting for you.

Winter is coming. How to prep for daylight savings time?

I walk to work each day, and these days two things stick out to me. First, the leaves are changing color, which is beautiful. Second, it’s a little darker every morning during my walk. I love the fall, but I can’t help but be reminded that winter is impending. I love winter less. It’s dark more, it’s colder, and even after my super-focused, class-free academic summer research, I find the waning light reminding me of all the things I thought I’d do this year but didn’t. Downer feelings just seem to molder without the sun to dry them up. I take some solace knowing this emotional muddling is a pretty shared experience. That I can identify it as a pattern means I also know the feelings will pass and another year will come, and it means I don’t have to take all such thoughts too seriously.

“Our culture doesn’t have seasons.”

These changes are so predictable that our bodies actually expect them, and try to do some prep work. We might take more pleasure from fatty foods, and those of us with facial hair may find it suddenly easier to grow a Decembeard than it was to make a Maystache. We’ll also start sleeping more, and in general, later. All this makes some sense. Our bodies are helping us hunker down to get through the dark and cold. And when I grew up in the flatlands of central Illinois, that dark-coldness was very real. The funny thing is that I’m now sciencing it up in northern California, where seasons are far less dramatic, but I still feel these seasonal changes. And that points to an important issue – our culture doesn’t have seasons (maybe summer break aside). We work the same hours, we’re expected to keep up the same vigor for productivity and personal day-to-days. And so there’s a conflict between what we feel and what we’re expected to feel.

This conflict of artificial, socially-dictated time and Nature’s time is kind of like the difference between our circadian rhythms and our modern light environment. Just like with seasons, our bodies evolved to anticipate the day-night cycle, and so our bodies get very confused when the light we see doesn’t match the timing of sunrise and sunset. The sudden perceived difference between internal and external time, like we experience in jetlag, shift work, or even waking up to alarm clocks instead of letting our sleep cycles end themselves, feels crummy. It does damage too, as your body lurches internally trying to realign itself to the new perceived day. Happily, evidence is mounting that this damage heals when time stabilizes. Unhappily, we have a lot of artificial timing signals in the modern environment – think of school schedules, street lights, and smart phones in bed – and chronic disruptions to our sense of time like that can add up to increased disease risk, and even lasting behavioral changes when these are experienced early in life. So we need to have a global discussion about how we deal with time as part of our health and wellbeing, and we’re starting to do that.

“Daylight savings time is a cultural artifact of trying to make social time fit the outside world better.”

When I tell people I’m a circadian biologist, a satisfying number of people now have some idea what I’m talking about. And in one way, seasonal change is often brought into the conversation by way of day light savings time. Daylight savings time is a cultural artifact of trying to make social time fit the outside world better, but it is also an imposed jetlag on most of the population, meaning most of us feel crummy losing an hour, and actually are less able to function for a while, as evidenced by the spike in traffic accidents the next day. Human biology does have circannual rhythms – yearly cycles that change with the seasons – but we don’t know a lot about them, and so building social artifacts to deal with them well is a challenge.

Some people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which peaks as winter is waning, around February. I’ve certainly had a taste of that, though thankfully nothing too severe. Some people experience insomnia with the changing days. Some people just want to sleep all the time. Bright lights in the morning – dawn simulators – can help, and are often recommended as antidepressants for SAD. But I have to wonder whether some of the difficulties we have with winter come from fighting the change instead of accepting it. Just like light at the wrong time of day confuses our brains and disrupts our bodies, it seems possible that light at the wrong time of year might have a similar effect. If that was so, then it would be reasonable that some people would be more sensitive than others, which might account for why some people are more affected than others. This is just a hypothesis, and not one that is easy to test, since I don’t have the money to pay large numbers of people to live without electric lights for years, and then measure if more or less of them get depressed, while somehow controlling for the depressing effects of not knowing what happened in Game of Thrones for so long.

“Winter comes no matter what, it seems.”

Winter comes no matter what, it seems. And anyway, living without technology is not a solution I expect the world to embrace. But I’m curious: did my growing up in a place with severe seasons predispose me to expect big changes every year. Was the lack of that change why living in San Diego was hard for me? How do we begin to know such things – build biological time into personalized medical advice? For both daily rhythms and seasonal rhythms, what I’ve tried to do is appreciate that time matters in our lives. Day to day, and season to season. I think the next step is to understand how those rhythms work in people, and try to discover not just the commonalities of biological timekeeping, but the personal differences that might let us know if, for example, someone from Illinois would be happier where the winter is harsher, because it matches the expectations their body set through early life experience. Or conversely, maybe we’d all be happier if there was enough light to make everywhere seem like summer all the time (we know the answer to that one is “no”, by the way).

To that end, here are a few tips to help you prep for daylight savings time.

1) Start going to bed earlier. Getting an extra hour in the fall doesn’t seem to hurt much, but losing one in the spring is hard. In either case, it’s not a bad idea to make smaller adjustments to your schedule in the days ahead of the change so your body has a smooth transition to the new time.

2) Listen to your body. If you feel like winter is really bringing you down, take time to do something good for yourself, and consider getting and using full spectrum bulbs to help you wake up each day.

3) Remember that winter comes to us all. If you feel snowed under, you’re not at all alone. It’s natural, and it happens more for some than others. Try to sleep and eat regularly, and if you’re feeling really SAD, there’s plenty of professionals (if not friends) able to help get you through to the spring.

If you get the chance, make a snow man or woman for me. It’s fun. Living in California, I miss the snow from when I grew up. Thanks in advance.

Dr. Benjamin Smarr

Dr. Benjamin Smarr studies the temporal structures that biological systems make as they move through time. An NIH research fellow at UC Berkeley, his work focuses on understanding how physiological dynamics like sleep, circadian rhythms, and ovulatory cycles are shaped by the brain, and how disturbances to those cycles gives rise to disease. Dr. Smarr is also an advocate for scientific outreach, and routinely gives public lectures and visits K-12 classrooms to help promote the idea that by understanding the biology that guides us, we can live more empowered lives.


The post Winter is coming. How to prep for daylight savings time? appeared first on Reverie.

The problem with memory foam mattresses. And how we solved it.

Today is a proud day at Reverie®. After years of intense development, we’re launching a whole new line of Hybrid memory foam mattresses. They are an upgrade to memory foam mattresses in almost every conceivable way. They unflinchingly throw cool shade on the problem of memory foam heat while also adding more durability and hypoallergenic properties. Before we get into all the details, a little perspective.

A short history on memory foam

Memory foam, sometimes called visco elastic foam, was invented in the 1960s by America’s leading public source of science and technology. Namely, NASA. They needed seats that would help relieve the immense pressure on the bodies of astronauts from G forces. The material needed to be soft enough to cushion, but strong and dense enough not to disintegrate. Charles Yost, a subcontractor, came up with the material that has become known as memory foam. It worked, because it had the dual properties of being both dense and malleable. Memory foam changed properties with heat, then gradually reverted back once heat was removed. Yost called it Temper foam, alluding to the heat which made the material work but eventually became its nemesis.


1965 rocket. Photo credit: NASA.

In the ensuing years, memory foam found many applications. It was used for crash protection in NASCAR, in bumper cars at amusement parks, for rafts that would not sink, even in the fashion industry for shoes and custom dressmaker forms. But predominantly, the medical industry saw its potential. It was a major breakthrough in helping to prevent bedsores. And it also worked great for custom devices for people confined to wheelchairs or in need of prosthetics. However, Temper foam remained pricey.


Memory foam meets mattress

In the 1980s, NASA released the technology to the public. Most people wouldn’t touch it, because it was complicated to make. But in 1992 a Swedish company solved the riddle and started making memory foam mattresses, which they called Tempurpedic. The mattresses became very popular, causing other companies to get into the memory foam game. Competition made the material more affordable.

For years, Reverie has resisted the push to come out with a memory foam option. That is because, although memory foam feels great to many people, that love affair often didn’t last long. You climb into bed, and the mattress starts molding to your body, relieving pressure points and feeling awesome. But after a few hours, things change. People wake up in the middle of the night with hot memory foam conforming to their bodies, making them sweat. That’s because the way memory foam molds to your body is through heat. And most memory foam mattresses are dense, 8-10” slabs of foam, which don’t allow heat to pass through. The heat from your body is absorbed into the mattress and has nowhere to go. Sweat city.

Trying to beat the heat


Over the years, mattress companies have tried various things to solve the heat problem. For a while, open cell technology was the rage, i.e., putting more air into the foam during the manufacturing process. This didn’t help much, since memory foam is a very dense material. Heat continued to be a problem. In recent years, companies have been coating memory foam with gel. Another poor solution. First of all, while the gel may be cool to start, like memory foam, it also heats up after your body has been in contact with it for a while. Another downside? Gel eventually turns into beads and separates from the memory foam. Other companies have tried gluing lots of different layers of materials together. But too much glue is a barrier, also trapping heat from escaping.

So what’s a mattress company to do?

Being Reverie, we love a challenge. Truth be told, it took a while to solve this longstanding problem, due to our perfectionist tendencies. But, happily, now we have.

How? By tackling it from every angle.

Our new Hybrids. Memory foam comfort combined with latex cool.

We started by putting a layer of all-natural OEKO-TEX®-certified latex between you and the memory foam. Not only is this layer made with small holes to let heat escape, the natural latex itself is temperature neutral. Below the latex, the whole point of it all … a layer of premium, CertiPUR-US® certified memory foam for that velvety comfort people love.

So far, so good. But what about that heat that gradually builds up during the night? On a Reverie mattress, we cut the heat off at the pass. It doesn’t get the chance to build up, because in our Hybrid line, we retained our patented DreamCell™ construction. Instead of a dense monolithic 8-10” slab of foam, we have a support system which uses our little DreamCell foam springs underneath. Hundreds of them within the mattress, each one with holes in the middle, allowing air to circulate around and through each spring. This makes a huge difference.

In addition, we topped off each mattress cover by finishing it with Feran Ice® technology for maximum moisture wicking. The Dream Supreme II comfort layer also has graphite infusion for further aeration.


Quality beyond heat moderation

By adding significant amounts of latex, we’ve not only reduced the heat, we’ve also added more hypoallergenic qualities to the mattress as well as increased the durability. Latex is naturally dust mite and antimicrobial. It also is the most durable mattress material currently on the market. And a word about our OEKO-TEX® and CertiPUR-US® certifications. We make all of our foams in the United States. This is the only way currently to guarantee the quality and purity of the materials used as well as the safety of the manufacturing process. What does this mean? Our latex is certified to be 100% natural rubber. And none of our foams contain mercury, formaldehyde or phthalates. They’re low VOC and also made without chemicals that deplete the ozone. You can buy a Reverie mattress with confidence.

Here’s an overview on each of our Reverie Hybrid mattresses.dh2_flat_34-copy

Reverie Dream™ II Hybrid

Superb comfort in an accessible memory foam and natural latex hybrid mattress. Features a 1” layer of all-natural OEKO-TEX-certified Talalay latex. Underneath that is a 2” layer of quality CertiPUR-certified memory foam. Comfort layer is supported by our proprietary  DreamCell system, with 8 rows of 3” foam springs in the torso region to let heat escape. Firmness is customizable on both left and right sides. Available online or at retailers.


Reverie Dream™ I Hybrid

Affordable luxury in a memory foam and natural latex hybrid mattress. Features a .5” layer of all-natural OEKO-TEX-certified Talalay latex. Underneath that is a 2” layer of quality CertiPUR-certified memory foam. Comfort layer is supported by our proprietary DreamCell system, with 5 rows of 3” foam springs in the torso region to let heat escape. Firmness is customizable on both left and right sides. Available at retailers.

Impressed by our new Hybrids, but still interested in an all-natural latex mattress? No worries, we’ve retained our classic Natural latex line. It’s gotten a big upgrade this month, too. 

Sleep well. And best of all, sleep cool.

The post The problem with memory foam mattresses. And how we solved it. appeared first on Reverie.

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